LRC Exam stress & wellbeing guide
Imagine a bucket which shows how much stress you can hold. Revision, exams and deadlines can quickly fill your buckets up and cause it to overflow. Why plan time to relax?
The Stress Bucket
Maximum stress
Normal stress level
Relaxed stress level
Taking time to focus on things that you enjoy can help you to relax and ‘drain’ your stress bucket, to stop it from getting too much and overflowing. This helps you to cope better and feel ready for future events that might cause stress. What can you do to help yourself relax and drain your stress away? Consider: • What would you like to do more of? • What might it be helpful to do less of? • What new things would you like to try? • Things you need to do every day to feel good: Eg. Eat regularly, take medication • Other things you want to do occasionally to feel good: Eg. Make some exciting plans to look forward to
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