LRC Exam stress & wellbeing guide
Use music to help your mood – plan a playlist that’s happy, calming, focussing or motivating. Look after your wellbeing during revision time Get outside - being outdoors and in nature can help us to clear our head and take notice of wider things going on in our world. Chill out time – try new little things that boost your mood. Search online for workouts, hand massages or meditations, wear comfy cosy clothes, have a warm drink. Find a new hobby to take your mind off things, such as a musical instrument, a book or a DIY project
Exercise and socialise to reset your energy levels.
Sleep is essential for powering up your brain!
Plan things to look forwards to – to help motivate and inspire you.
Limit your phone use – turn your phone off during revision time and mute distracting notifications.
Reward yourself – plan things for after you finish a topic or revision session, to help you feel good and to motivate yourself.
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