LRC Exam stress & wellbeing guide

The LRCs Top Tips for keeping revision interesting Revision can be hard, but breaking it down into small chunks and finding ways to make it more manageable and interesting can have a huge impact on your productivity. Don’t just re-read notes - use different ways to revise: • Flash cards are perfect for helping you to recall facts • Mind maps work for most people as you can add text, colour, connections and pictures Revision Power Hour - pick an exam question then revise for 20 mins, write for 20 mins and then check it and add/correct what you have done Pomodoro technique - set a timer for 20 minutes intense revision, take a short break and repeat Revise with others - teach your topic to someone else or ask them to test you Make a ‘Focus’ playlist for whilst you revise Practise - the key to successful revision is to do lots of timed exam-style

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