LRC Exam stress & wellbeing guide

Section 1

Preparing and revising for exams

We all want to do what we can to reach our full potential. Sometimes though, it can be difficult to know where to start! Managing our wo rkload, revision and our wellbeing all help us to feel prepared and ready to take on tes ts and challenges - have a look at our handy tips to stay feeling on top this exam season!

The early bird catches the worm!

Practising good revision habits well in advance of exams can give you a head start on your revision later down the line. How to get ahead early: • Regularly check your class notes are up to date and in order. This reduces pressure to catch up closer to exam time, and helps to reduce stress and worry. • Prepare flashcards each week which summarise your learning. This helps you highlight key exam material whilst it’s fresh in your mind, helping you to recall it easier during revision. • Prioritise which topics need further revision - Pick up a revision planner from the LRC. - Give more time to the topics you are least confident about.

Subject:______________ Exam Date:________ Revision Subject Planner 1. Break the subject into topics and sub-topics. You could use your Subject Unit Outline, Awarding Body Specification or revision checklists from your teacher. List them in the first column. 2. Grade each bit of the topic according to how confident you feel about it.  – Very confident  – Reasonably confident  – Not confident 3. Cross off one star each time you revise it. 4. Revise the things you are least confident about more often.

Subject: Topic:

Class notes up to date 

Grade   

Revised Cross out a * when done

***** *****














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