LRC Exam stress & wellbeing guide

You can also access more tips to look after your wellbeing in the our ‘ Wellbeing Guide ’, available from the Safeguarding and Wellbeing Hub.




Apps to Support Your

Mental Health & Wellbeing




KEEP LEARNING Apps can be a great tool to support our wellbeing, as we can carry them with us and tap into them when we need support or reminders to look after our wellbeing. TAKE NOTICE

Combined Minds is a free app to help families and friends provide mental health support. The app uses a ‘strengths-based’ approach which has been shown to be

effective in recovery.

Calm Harm is a free app to help teenagers control the urge to self-harm. The app is based on an approach called dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), which aims to

support young people. Clear Fear is a free app to help young people manage the symptoms of anxiety. Clear Fear uses a cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) framework to help change

anxious thoughts and emotions.

Move Mood is a free app to help teenagers manage depression. The app uses principles of behavioural activation therapy to help you improve your mood by

encouraging you to increase your motivation.

Stay Alive is a pocket suicide prevention resource, packed full of useful information to help you stay safe. You can use it if you are having thoughts of suicide, or are

concerned about someone else.

WorryTree aims to help you take control of worry, wherever you are. WorryTree asks you to record whatever you’re worrying about, and then takes you through a

few short steps to create an action plan.

The eQuoo app uses adventure games designed by psychologists to help you increase your emotional fitness, and teach you new psychological skills to combat

anxiety and depression.


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