How to...write a great assignment

Step 4 – Plan out what you are going to write Before you start writing, plan out your assignment. This will help it flow logically from one point to another. Consider topics and sub topics that will help you structure your writing. Remember the PEEL technique when writing your plan so you do not miss any steps whilst writing. Does your plan include everything you intended to cover and flow logically to a conclusion? This is the best time to reorganise positions of your topics to make it flow excellently. Does the information you have gathered answer the question set in the assignment? Check back to understanding the instruction word, the limiter etc. Step 5 - Write Now it is time to write your first draft following your plan. Use your plan to write for each part. It is not important to start at the beginning with the introduction. Start where you feel comfortable. Follow your plan and you won’t miss anything. If you know what your conclusion will be, start with this first. Get down as much information as you can without worrying about the wording being totally correct at this stage.

Once you have a first draft you can check it against your plan. Look at the wording and make sure it flows. Make changes and corrections where you need. It is useful to have a second document open to add your sources and references for your bibliography.

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