How to...write a great assignment

Step 2 – Plan

Don’t leave it until the last minute! Setting time aside to write your assignment can be difficult. It’s easy to procrastinate and leave everything to the last minute, but we can guarantee that you’ll regret it! Reduce the stress by starting your assignment early so that you can take your time and allow yourself chance to proof your work.

Breaking the assignment down into small blocks can make it seem more manageable and give you a sense of momentum and early success.

Aim to complete one section at a time, giving yourself mini deadlines to achieve this, keeping to a plan will reduce the chances of you feeling overwhelmed by the work. • Break your study time into blocks of different lengths and set specific challenges for each block. • Break large assignments into small tasks such as “read course notes”, “find sources” etc. • Break each of these into smaller tasks e.g. make notes page 10 • Set yourself mini goals as milestones. Completion will give you a sense of achievement and in time these add up to a great achievement. • Set targets you know you can meet e.g. and hour of reading • Set realistic time allowances for each task • Set yourself a start time – stick to it

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