How to...write a great assignment

Assignment Checklist

You can use this checklist to guide you through the process of completing an assignment.

1. Understand the task Have you made sure you understand what is required? Has it asked you to discuss? Compare? Contrast? Summarise? Have you picked out the key points? Underlining or highlighting them may help.

2. Break it down Have you broken it down into small blocks? Have you thought about how long it will take? Do you know when you must hand it in?

Have you drawn up a plan for completing the assignment? (Use a timetable, your diary, a term and/or time planner, a Gantt chart or a mind map etc.) Have you built in breaks, social time, time to eat, time for exercise? Aim to finish 3 days before the deadline. 3. Research Before you start writing you will need to do some research. Have you thought about where you can find information? For example: • your class notes • handouts

• the library for books & journals • the internet and online resources • other people/classmates

Don’t forget to make notes as you go.

Have you re-read the assignment brief? And checked your information for relevance?

Have you sorted your information into groups? For example: • topics & sub-topics

• strengths and weaknesses • arguments for and against.

You can use a set of sub-headings, a grid, index cards, lists or mind-maps to help you get organised.

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